Mandatory Reporting – Louisiana
All clergy, religious and laity (employees and volunteers) of the Archdiocese of New Orleans must report to DCFS or to the police if they work with minors and have cause to believe there is abuse or neglect. The Archdiocese of New Orleans also strongly supports the reporting of all abuse of minors and vulnerable adults to civil authorities by those who are not mandated reporters.
The Archdiocese of New Orleans will not penalize or otherwise retaliate against anyone who, in good faith, reports alleged abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to either civil authorities or to the Archdiocese.
Reports must be made immediately to the appropriate civil authority.
NOTE: The mandatory reporter is the person who receives information and who has cause to believe that a child’s health or welfare is endangered as a result of abuse or neglect and the person who receives such information, NOT his/her supervisor or other person.
NOTE: A school resource officer shall not receive information from another mandatory reporter or commence or oversee any investigation into the report. Act 216/H.B. NO. 335 (2024)
Call DCFS: If reporter has reason to believe the perpetrator is a parent or caretaker, a person who maintains an interpersonal dating or engagement relationship with the parent or caretaker, or a person living in the same residence with the parent or caretaker as a spouse whether married or not. Act 216/H.B. NO. 335 (2024)
Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services toll-free number
855-4LA-KIDS (855-452-5437)
for anyone in the state to call and report child abuse or neglect.
Reports made orally must be followed up online or in written form within 5 days.
Louisiana Mandated Reporter Form
A report of suspected abuse or neglect which is of a non-emergency nature may be reported via the DCFS Mandated Reporter Portal
Fill out the Mandated Reporters Form online
Mandated Reporter Portal Online Reporting Guide
If the report involves alleged sex trafficking, all mandatory reporters shall report via
855-4LA-KIDS (855-452-5437).
Call Local or state law enforcement: if reporter has reason to believe that the abuse or neglect is being perpetrated by someone other than parent or caretaker, a person who maintains an interpersonal dating or engagement relationship with the parent or caretaker, or a person living in the same residence with the parent or caretaker as a spouse whether married or not.
Call 911
Whether you call DCFS or the police, you can dual report.
****Abuse or neglect perpetrated on a student by a teaching or child care provider, as defined by Article 603, shall be immediately reported to local or state law enforcement. Act 216/H.B. NO. 335 (2024)
****If a mandatory reporter is prohibited from immediately making the report because of an employer’s policies or employee manual, the mandatory reporter shall file a complaint with local or state law enforcement. The employer shall be subject to penalties. Act 216/H.B. NO. 335 (2024)
****In investigation of a report of abuse or neglect allegedly committed by a parent or caretaker, DCFS shall determine whether the person is an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces or the spouse is a member on active duty, DCFS shall notify the United States Department of Defense Family Advocacy Center. Act 216/H.B. NO. 335 (2024)
When in doubt make a report to DCFS. Never second-guess yourself. DO NOT investigate; just report as required by law. DCFS or the police shall investigate.
Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services
Elderly Protective Services 1-888-577-6532
Long Term Care Ombudsman 1-866-632-0922